Explaining Science is an art that you can learn, too! With our scientific dissemination and communication courses, you will learn to turn scientific content (or other expert knowledge) into something that appeals to a wide audience, using narration, staging, and humour (why not?).

Curso con profesorado de secundaria

Explaining Science is an art that you can learn, too! With our scientific dissemination and communication courses, you will learn to turn scientific content (or other expert knowledge) into something that appeals to a wide audience, using narration, staging, and humour (why not?).

By participating in Explaining Science, you will learn a methodology specifically created by Big Van Science to identify relevant scientific content, turn it into a story that will captivate your audience, and take it public using your natural stage talent (which you do really have, you’ll see).

In Explaining Science, you will put all the theory that we teach you into practice, because you will generate your own 3-to-10-minute-long oral scientific communication piece. This means that you will be able to create a mini YouTube video, a scientific stand-up act, or a speech like a TED talk.  That way, you’ll finish the course with the tools necessary to face the great challenge that is speaking about science in an interesting, enjoyable, and even fun way for any type of non-specialised audience.

Explaining Science is a modular course that is organised into sessions of 2 to 4 hours. We can do anything from a one-session express training up to courses of 20, 30, and 40 hours of training. We've got loads of material.

This flexibility makes Explaining Science a perfect course to be implemented as an ongoing training for research personnel at your research centre, as a summer course at your university, as special training for employees at your company, as formal training for secondary school teachers, or in whatever format you can dream up.  Get in touch with us and we will prepare a customised course based on your needs.

The Explaining Science course adapts its objectives and contents according to the target students’ profile:

Telling Science is a modular course organized in sessions of 2 to 4 hours.

We can do an express training of a single session, or arrive at 20, 30 and up to 40 hours of training.

This flexibility makes Counting Science a perfect course to be implemented as continuous training for the research staff of your research center, as a summer course at your university, as specific training for your company's staff, as regulated training for secondary school teachers , or for anyone who wants to talk about science.

Download our triptych, or contact us and we will prepare a course tailored to your needs.



Congreso Bioenergía

Congreso Bioenergía.



Formación ICFO

Avinguda Carl Friedrich Gauss, 3, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, España

Programa de Formación y Desarrollo Plus+ de excelencia, que engloba una serie de actividades diseñadas para dotar a los estudiantes de doctorado y jóvenes postdoctorados de capacidades personales y profesionales a fin de prepararlos para el liderazgo en el mundo académico e industrial.




Boost the impact of your scientific research on the general public.
Brief Description:

Within research, development, and innovation activities, it's increasingly important to communicate and disseminate scientific projects and their results efficiently and with the largest possible impact on citizens. However, people who work in science and research typically don't receive any specific training in this area. For this reason, here at Big Van Science, we've developed a methodology that allows this type of student to transform the science they are researching in their laboratories into stories that truly appeal to the general public.In the process of creating these scientific dissemination pieces, the relationship between research and the major social challenges that science faces is reflected upon and the work of scientific personnel is contextualised to bring it closer to people's everyday lives. This generates a greater capacity in scientists to boost the impact and relevance of their future research projects, considering society's real needs.

Specific Content:
  • Specific methodology to define the scientific content to be explained: choice of general theme and the specific content, to relate them to each other and to the type of audience they are directed at.
  • Contextualisation of scientific content: implications of science on society and reflection upon the social challenges being addressed.
  • Storytelling: narrative techniques for the construction of oral stories that allow the scientific content to be brought closer to the audience, and vice-versa.
  • Dynamic speech techniques: strengthening the necessary stage skills for oral science communication, such as stage presence, gaze, gesturing, the use of the voice, and awareness of the audience



Turn your secondary students into scientific communicators
Brief Description:

An excellent way to get students to learn science and technology concepts is to make them the ones who are communicating this content.

At Big Van Science, we've been developing participative activities that allow teachers to have their students work on a scientific content in a critical, reasoned, ethical, and gender-sensitive way, to make it into a real scientific monologue that they will put on in front of their classmates.

These activities have been successfully implemented in the European Project PERFORM and they are ready to be implemented in any secondary school.An effective and fun way to teach science, technology, and mathematics.

Specific Content:
  • Incorporate methodologies for the design and implementation of effective participative activities to teach science in a fun way, while fomenting critical thinking and including the ethical values related to science, all from a gender-sensitive perspective.
  • Gain skills based on the performing arts that allow course participants to improve their oral and body expression, such as gaze and voice control, stage presence, and body language.
  • Approach information from the media using critical thinking. Get to know the scientific method and explore ways to explain it in class. Get to know ethical questions concerning research. Reflect upon gender stereotypes in science.



Become an unbeatable communicator: How to explain the science and technology you like the most, through theatre, speeches like TED talks, and YouTube videos
Brief Description:

If you’re in school and you like science, the theatre, and humour, this is the course for you! You will create your own stand-up monologue, in which you can explain the science and technology concepts that you want, in a way that leaves your audience amazed, whether it be on stage, in TED-talk-like speeches, or through YouTube.

We’ll discuss the science topics that most interest you, from what’s in the universe, genetic modification to cure diseases, advances in virtual reality, to artificial intelligence...and with this, we will create stories with a touch a humour that will captivate your audience and allow you to make great spoken communications.

Specific Content:
  • Search for and analyse cutting-edge scientific and technological discoveries. Understand the scientific basis for these discoveries and search for credible information related to them.
  • Create stories that allow you to explain science in a way that transmits passion and enjoyment to a non-specialised audience, while making them laugh.
  • Acquire artistic skills to orally represent your own texts, whether it be on stage or in front of a video camera.
  • Seek out humour wherever it hides, learning from the great masters of laughter, to later be able to use this in our representations.



Fill your stories with cutting-edge, impactful science
Brief Description:

There are increasingly more and more people who work in scientific dissemination that come from the world of journalism and communication.

For this type of student, tools are needed to allow them to find reliable scientific content, decode it, and understand it, to be able to draw out the main ideas without losing rigour or generating false expectations.

In Explaining Science, we work with specific formulas to create stories that are capable of enthralling and catching the attention of the general public, that also include relevant, reliable, and complete scientific content.

Specific Content:
  • Ethical and philosophical science tools to define the student's own narrative voice and provoke critical thinking that allows them to discern between scientific and non-scientific content, to include it in their speech.
  • Inclusion of scientific content in exciting stories, in a natural way. Practical methodologies to achieve a total integration of scientific content within the narration.
  • Tools to secure a connection with the audience and maintain their attention throughout the narration: use of humour, the creation of images in the audience members’ minds, and the use of rhetorical figures.

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